Category: Blog

August 26, 2007

Today is our first free day, after finishing the last of 12 introductory workshops by each of the Omi residents (more on these later). Visiting…

August 22, 2007

Daniel writes on “being authentic” in dance. Matthew considers a response. I’d like to know, what is not authentic?

August 9, 2007

New word: affordance (graphics): A visual clue to the function of an object. From Shlomo in his syllabus for Musical Games (or how psychology of…

August 8, 2007

Upcoming happenings, ongoing classes, etc. now updated in the about page

August 8, 2007

Flickr photos are back online in the photo section. I’m also posting from my mobile phone.

July 6, 2007

The lecture series on The Vajra Prajnaparamita Sutra, hosted by Michael Owens and Dharma Bums Center, continues to be a highlight of my week, with…

May 15, 2007

MJH comments in response to Tim Etchells on Creative change: "creative change for me is, or is perceived as, convulsive"

March 19, 2007

Aldo has a new site up (thanks to moi) featuring some of his latest fashion design work.

February 15, 2007

music/dance in San Diego has been a bit quiet as of late. Players are busy looking for employment. I’m wasting time ranting at family. Working…

July 12, 2006

So I’m presently back in San Diego, in class and conversation with Kathryn Irey, working in a dance project with Allyson Green, doing some IT…