This page serves as an index for videos I’ve published on this site and elsewhere.
Many videos can be found in the Video category.
Here is my YouTube Channel
And my Vimeo Page.
Below is a permanent archive of video that either I have created or choose to make available on the net with or without permission of the author. In the latter case, the content is most likely difficult or impossible to access by the public.
Initiated in December 2012, a weekly practice group and laboratory concerned with the practice of improvisation in contemporary dance, music and performance. The videos here are assembled from footage taken by participants in the practice sessions. In them we are practicing seeing, composing, and making the case for practice as an aesthetic experience, which is aided my the use of a frame.
The documentary film “Beauty and Strength” on Kazuo Ohno, a Japanese Butoh dancer and teacher who celebrates his 100th birthday this year. This film is nearly impossible to see in the US so I’ve included it here.
“When the fire dances between two poles”, a documentary film, now out of print, release back in 1990 and containing archival footage and interview material on the German expressionist modern dance pioneer, Mary Wigman.
William Forsythe: Improvisation Technologies
Excerpts from an interactive CDROM developed by Forsythe for dancers of Ballet Frankfurt.