Category: Video

Video & Videography by Justin Morrison

As a freelance Videographer, Justin has produced programming for many arts orgs and non-profits including The Old Globe, The Museum of Photographic Art, Space4Art, San Diego State University, and the Chefs de Cuisine. A small selection of video works is included below:

December 12, 2020
July 25, 2020

Dance by Anna Brown Massey & Victor De La FuenteDancefilm documentation, editing and color by Justin Morrison

March 7, 2020

Videography by Justin Morrison and Meredith Sward. Editing by Meredith Sward.

August 25, 2019

Film by Justin Morrison Concept, Jenna Ann MacGillis Music by Hania Rani

July 22, 2019

Writing on the Wall Music: Andy Gallagher Director of Photography & Editing: Justin Morrison Scenography: Victor De La Fuente  

December 6, 2006

Something about today required another look at our contribution to the Numa Numa craze (see YouTube). Makiko, Katie, Vincent and I made this on a…

April 23, 2006