Month: May 2011

May 14, 2011

Wow, it was October 2009 when I last posted to this blog. I’m shocked to find a year a half as passed. I wonder if anyone visit websites anymore in the age of Facebook?

This blog has served less as a journal and more of a sporadic record of events and happenings. It’s been sorely neglected and will require some effort over the coming days to update old posts and fix formatting errors since moving to this new layout. This neglect is no surprise given the amount of time I spend online working on other web projects.

Considering most visitors to this site are family or friends, this update will likely not be new information but should serve as a shout out to friends and recent collaborators.

I’ve recently relocated to San Francisco, now splitting time each month between here and San Diego, were I enjoy time with friends and family, practice yoga and continue to work with several long standing clients in my IT Contracting and Web Development business.

I spend a lot of time lately going out to art, dance and performance events, recently enamored with the vibrant queer performance scene here in SF. I make my dance home at Yannis Adoniou’s KUNST-STOFF arts, where I’m volunteering to manage their web presence and collaborate on developing the organization. KUNST-STOFF is an exciting, multi-cultural community space that we hope to grow into a center for rigorous and risk taking performance, art and dance.

Still very much interested in music, developing my guitar chops and recently took up voice lessons. Hope to find some musical collaborators soon, to continue learning and make some sound together.

Still riding, enjoying the California roads, and camaraderie with the local Airheads and Homoto motorcycle clubs.

Teaching Yoga.

Recently collaborating with Erika Tsimbrovsky in her project, The Book, with 4 performances during the month of July at SOMAarts.

More soon…
